Clothespin Soldier Ornaments – and other trash to treasures

photo-37Just finished a platoon (No, wait, that’s 26 – 64. I only made a dozen.)–a squad–of clothespin soldier ornaments. My goal was one dozen ornaments per month until November. I’m two months behind. . .but gaining enthusiasm.

My mother made these cute soldier ornaments when I was little, so I liked the idea of attempting to duplicate her efforts. As usual, my version isn’t as nice as her originals. The fellows were easy, but a little time-consuming.

I started with well-used clothespins. I probably should have sanded or scrubbed them because the paint did not adhere as well as I would have liked. Blue on the bottom and red on top, but I have seen others that are replicas of a particular type of solder, perhaps appropriate to the branch of military or police officers in the crafter’s family?

The gold braid was a little tricky with a glue gun. I always try to take the short cut (hot glue gun) and end up with spider webs of glue and strange lumps. Had I been patient, I could have used a liquid glue and achieved a better result.

Black pom pom hats are my favorite part. I bought the smallest quantity at Michaels, but I have enough pom poms to make two dozen more soldiers. Isn’t that always the way?photo-38

All in all, my total expense was under $10.00. I think this would have been a good craft to do with a child (6+), just not in one sitting.

Next, Jeremy and I are going to tackle some soda can ornaments. Meanwhile, my family is saving all sorts of trash for me–wine corks, light bulbs, coffee bean bags, lemon and orange mesh bags. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!?!

One comment on “Clothespin Soldier Ornaments – and other trash to treasures

  1. Daneille Haynes says:

    Are you selling them? Would love to have a few.

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